Samstag, 21. Juni 2014

The U.S prepares for a Cyberwar
In the context of cyber warfare, the US and Israel are generally considered the most advanced countries, as they have allegedly participated in the creation of the first official cyber weapon, Stuxnet, as well as in many other sophisticated cyber-attacks. As both nations suffer an increasing number of cyber-attacks daily and are therefore improving their cyber capabilities. The Pentagon has even announced a major expansion of its cyber army to defend national infrastructures in 2013.
They announced that the Defense Department’s Cyber Command would be increased from 900 to 4000 units and that the resources dedicated to the operations in cyberspace were going to be quadrupled. In addition to the expansion of the Cyber Command, a restructure into three distinct areas, namely
1.      “national mission forces” is responsible for the protection of computer systems that support the nation’s power grid and critical infrastructure.
2.     “combat mission forces” is responsible for offensive operations.
3.     “cyber protection forces” is responsible for Pentagon’s computer systems security.
was planned.
In order to further expand their cyber warfare capabilities, Pentagon has even involved private companies, universities and computer-gaming companies in the development of certain technologies. Mainly now the U.S has started to massively invest in cyber defense, so as to respond to cyber threats and to attain the ability to launch successful cyber-attacks against hostile states.
The goal of one specific project, in cooperation with DARPA, is to develop a new generation of cyber soldiers, AI, able to prevent cyber-attacks and to launch itself strong offensive cyber-attacks. The research program has a duration of five years and will be financed with $110 million.
Not only the US, but governments all over the world are searching for a cyber strategy that provides an optimum balance between a good cyber offense and defense, as most cyber-attacks are characterized by the necessity of an immediate cyber response in order to avoid the destruction of assets and resources.
As cyber espionage, hacking and warfare operations are shifting to cyberspace, the US and any ther government must improve its cyber capabilities.

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