Even though I have neglected my blog these
last few weeks, due to exams as you all can probably imagine, I have used my
vacation for working on my pronunciation. What helped me a lot were Amy’s
videos that Frank has uploaded on his WBW. True, it takes quite some time to
watch her videos and it won’t help your pronunciation if you just watch them
once, but her videos are quite fun and she repeats the words over and over
I also decided to look through the minimal
pairs exercises, though I think that most of them were really quite simple, and
checked the different pronunciations of words that I did not know on memidex.
For the latter I have to say that I LOVE THAT PAGE. I mostly concentrated on
words containing the letter ‘z’, as I mispronounced this letter in our last
pronunciation exercise in class. And I wrote down how to pronounce thermometer and diameter correctly, so as never to forget that again. θə(r)ˈmɒmɪtə(r)
Among all things, I have to say that
listening to my own recording helped me most. True, I can hear myself talking
all the time in class, but listening to the mistakes I make while speaking
English helps me improve a lot faster. And, of course, listening to English TV
or radio shows helps. I love watching TEDx videos (and yes I know that not all
of the people appearing there are native English speakers) and The Game of
Thrones series (though I chose to use American and not British English).
During the upcoming holidays, I am
planning on checking out Rachel’s videos as well and on using the different
games provided by merriem-webster for further improving my pronunciation.
Though my pronunciation is still lacking now, I know that I can improve it….and
how to improve it.
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