Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013

About Kristina - the Smurf

Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog (the last one was deleted...sadly). 

For my first post I am intending to give you a brief introduction on myself. So let’s start with my name. I am Kristina (for those who know about my family name, please forget about it xD) and currently in my second year of studying at ITAT. I started studying here in 2011, but due to an exchange year spent in Korea I am now taking up the SUK3 classes (and not last year as I was supposed to).
My blog should look a bit lame and empty right now, but I am trying to improve the layout bit by bit. To be honest, though I spent a year in one of the probably most technically developed countries in the world I am still no technical genius and I will probably never be, so give me some time to adjust to this new….thingy.

What else is there to say about myself? Well I am addicted to languages and travelling (I most definitely and annoyingly caught the travel bug) and try to visit at least 5 new countries every year (if there’s time and money that is). I like movies and musicals, sports, music....a lot of things. The best year of my life was the one I spent studying abroad..by far. It was an amazing experience and I met so many unique people from different countries and cultures speaking all sorts of languages. So I can only recommend you guys to go abroad if ever you have the opportunity to.
Oh and as I don't know most people this semester I would be glad to get to know some of you :)
Any questions? Just ask

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